
Innovation is an essential part of our business, prioritizing customer satisfaction and experience, hand in hand with operational efficiency. Strategically we have a specific area of Innovation, which is committed to developing disruptive and transformational initiatives that have an impact in our value proposition and business model, in order to achieve the institutional digital evolution.


Within this process we have developed initiatives with a direct impact on the client and the business:

Banorte Keyboard

It’s a keyboard for smartphones, both Apple and Android, which allows the user to perform banking operations, in the context of any application where the user is writing such as: WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Thanks to this tool, customers interact with the bank instantaneously, without having to switch apps. Customers decide where to use it and it is included as part of the Bank's Mobile application.

Banorte Virtual Assistant

The Virtual Assistant Banorte is an application currently available in our Internet Banking, and soon in the mobile app as well, which uses Artificial Intelligence services to solve the main needs and services that our customers require. In addition, the assistant provides information about the Bank's different products such as their contracting process and use.

NBA/NBO Platform

The NBA (Next Best Action) platform has evolved to incorporate more services in more customer service channels, directly from the channels that it uses.

Currently used in:

  • Promotions
  • Data update
  • Collections
  • Alerts
  • Information of products or services
  • Documents update

There are more than 10 channels using this service, including interaction with branch executives and all electronic media channels.

Multichannel Sales

Using all available channels of the Bank, the objective is that our customers have a unique and homogeneous experience across all channels, providing them a self-service experience where they can hire new products and services, and transact online.

The platform interacts with the client via promotional campaigns, or at the client's own request for specific product hiring. In all cases, it is designed to offer a simple process, which helps the client to complete his/her requests swiftly.

Internal Processes

Banorte is in the process of certifying its own reserve and capital models with local regulators (CNBV). To do this, we already have a controlled analytical infrastructure that allows the development, execution and monitoring of these models, in accordance with regulatory requirements.

In light of the challenges posed by the 20-20 program, Banorte is redesigning its massive credit approval process, both for Consumer and SMEs, with the objective of fine-tuning its risk assessment while providing the system with functionalities that deliver an agile and personalized response to the client. The redesign includes the introduction of multi-product sale, through a simulator, where the customer can configure his/her product package, the base growth for cross-selling campaigns, and a scheme of personalized rates, among other advantages.

Banorte has strengthened its calculation engine for its portfolio risk indicators, which will enable a more accurate segmentation of its clients, the calculation of personalized interest rates, and the design of strategies based on a better risk-return combination.

As part of the improvements to the Bank's control infrastructure, Banorte will soon launch the new system for credit line and internal and regulatory limits management. This system will provide information of a client’s total exposure, which will be used for periodical reviews, new line approval, and on-line monitoring of all provisions from Wholesale Banking.

Principal functions

Refine and develop innovation initiatives

Launch and adoption of agile methodologies

Promote the successful execution of innovation projects

Establish the vision of architecture

Identify modernization needs

Promote strategies that incorporate new capabilities to the architecture

Global trends

Transformational and disruptive

Best practices in innovation

Adoption of innovations in the Mexican market

Link between business areas and external innovators

Manage the "Marketplace" of Banorte APIs

Identify and evaluate innovative platforms and alliances in the financial services ecosystem

Moreover, this area is developing the following projects together with other areas of the bank:

Cognitive Competence Center

Its objective is to develop the strategic vision of artificial intelligence within Banorte. The Center works on different concept and pilot tests, including:

  • A customer call analyzer to increase the sale of our products
  • A cognitive corpus for employees together with Human Resources
  • Information on policies, procedures, and document review for evaluation purposes.
Selective Credit Alerts

It is a web-based monitoring system of our Wholesale Banking clients, based on the information available on news and analysis sites, official websites and social networks. This system will use an artificial intelligence model to issue alerts in cases of high risk of deterioration in financial, legal, reputational and/or environmental aspects based on the information collected.

New Decision Tools

The Bank is carrying out pilots with new decision making tools for risk and fraud assessment, which utilize unconventional mechanisms. Examples of such mechanisms are: online psychometric scores, email validation in an email bureau, machine learning techniques for approval models, graph analytics for transactions, among others.

Manager of Models

It will allow the Bank the swift implementation of new credit and risk assessment models. In this way, the Bank will be able to react to new selling and risk conditions in the market in a much more agile fashion.

Application Programming Interface (API)

The API platform is designed to connect third parties for the development of digital experiences in a secure environment. This enables the availability of bank services on the web and, therefore, they can be used by our apps or those of third parties, always guaranteeing security measures required for their access and consumption.

The platform incorporates added value features such as security, speed limits, API consumption quotas, consumption behavior analysis, , among others. It also provides a stable and secure app development interface, which is easy to use and learn. The main consumers of the API are application developers who want to use our services. This creates more accessible and useful solutions that meet customer expectations in less time and with a lower cost. APIs have become the basis of the rapidly moving digital economy.

Open Banking

For Banorte, adopting an Open Banking strategy is a structural trend that changes the paradigms of traditional banking and forces banks to open up and operate in a world where the value chain is becoming more fragmented and the competitive environment is becoming more intense. In Mexico, this opening is being driven by the regulation of the Fintech Law.

Open Banking is an emerging service model that allows customers to share access to their financial data with non-banking third parties, to provide them with a better banking experience.

At Banorte, we are adopting an Open Banking strategy to remain competitive, relevant, and to win in the digital economy. It is about taking a step forward in our digital transformation. It is the opportunity to create new revenue sources, the possibility to offer non-traditional services and shorten our time-to-market. The success of Open Banking requires an alignment of corporate, digital and regulatory strategies. It is not just a matter of compliance; it represents an opportunity to improve the Bank's financial products and services, through open and standardized APIs.

Innovation Hub / Research Observatory

Implementation of the Center for Collaborative Research of new tools and innovation trends, applicable to different industries, managing to cross traditional financial businesses to benefit our end customers, by offering digital solution ecosystems.