Shareholder's Meetings

The General Shareholders Meeting is the highest body of the Company and may resolve on, revoke and ratify all acts and transactions thereof.

General Meetings shall be ordinary and extraordinary. Both shall meet at the corporate domicile whenever called.

Obligations, powers, functions, representation of shareholders, installation, development, votes and resolutions can be consulted in CHAPTER THREE of the Corporate Bylaws as well as the Manual for Shareholders Meeting.

The Annual Ordinary General Meeting – usually convened during April– among other topics, will discuss and, where appropriate, approve the balance sheet for the year, and resolve on the allocation of the profit, as well as other reports for the year; in addition, they shall appoint the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Proprietary members, Substitute members and Secretary of the same Board, defining the compensation to be paid; likewise, they shall appoint the Chairman of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee.

Below you can consult the Calls, Proposals and Summary of Resolutions of the Meetings:

First Notices, Resolution Proposals and Summary Resolutions

May 23rd, 2022
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposal OGM Resolution Proposal
Proxy Format Proxy Format
April 22nd, 2022
Primary Document Name File
AGOAA Summary of Resolutions AGOAA Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Information AGM Information
Proxy Format Proxy Format
Supporting Document Name File
Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Annual Report Board of Directors' Annual Report
Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions
Fiscal Status Report Fiscal Status Report
November 19th, 2021
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
April 23th, 2021
Primary Document Name File
AGOAA Summary of Resolutions AGOAA Summary of Resolutions
AGEA Summary of Resolutions AGEA Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
Supporting Document Name File
AGM Shareholders Letter AGM Shareholders Letter
Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Annual Report Board of Directors' Annual Report
Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions
Fiscal Status Report Fiscal Status Report
Corporate Bylaws Corporate Bylaws
Sole Agreement Sole Agreement
April 24th, 2020
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
Supporting Document Name File
Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Annual Report Board of Directors' Annual Report
Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions
Fiscal Status Report Fiscal Status Report
Corporate Bylaws Corporate Bylaws
March 30th, 2020
Primary Documet Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
May 30th, 2019
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
April 30th, 2019
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
Supporting Document Name File
Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Annual Report Board of Directors' Annual Report
Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions
Fiscal Status Report Fiscal Status Report
June 1st, 2018
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
April 27th, 2018
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
Supporting Document Name File
Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Annual Report Board of Directors' Annual Report
Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions
December 5th, 2017
Primary Document Name File
Communication from the Chairman of the Board of Directors – Oct 25 Communication from the Chairman of the Board of Directors – Oct 25
Letter of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Letter of the Chairman of the Board of Directors
Letter of the CEO and COO Letter of the CEO and COO
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM and EGM First Notice OGM and EGM
OGM and EGM – Resolution Proposals OGM and EGM – Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
Supporting Document Name File
Executive Summary of the Transaction Executive Summary of the Transaction
Disclosure Memorandum Disclosure Memorandum
Letter of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee Letter of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee
– FTI Opinion – FTI Opinion
– Robles Miaja Opinion – Robles Miaja Opinion
Merger Agreement Draft Merger Agreement Draft
Report on the tax status of the Company Report on the tax status of the Company
Strategic Alternatives Strategic Alternatives
June 20th, 2017
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
April 28th, 2017
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format Proxy Format
Supporting Document Name File
Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report Chief Executive Officer's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Annual Report Board of Directors' Annual Report
Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report Audit and Corporate Practices Committee's Annual Report
Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions Board of Directors' Report regarding shares repurchase transactions
February 24th, 2017
Primary Document Name File
Summary Resolutions OGM Summary Resolutions OGM
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
August 19th, 2016
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice EGM & OGM First Notice EGM & OGM
EGM & OGM Resolution Proposal EGM & OGM Resolution Proposal
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
June 28th, 2016
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte (updated on June 10th, 2016) Proxy Format GFNorte (updated on June 10th, 2016)
OGM Update to the Resolutions Proposal OGM Update to the Resolutions Proposal
April 22nd, 2016
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
February 19th, 2016
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
November 19th, 2015
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM & EGM First Notice OGM & EGM
OGM & EGM Resolution Proposals OGM & EGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
April 24th, 2015
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte (updated on April 9) Proxy Format GFNorte (updated on April 9)
AGM Update to the Resolutions Proposal AGM Update to the Resolutions Proposal
January 21st, 2015
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
October 22th, 2014
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
July 4th, 2014
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice EGM First Notice EGM
EGM Resolution Proposals EGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
April 25th, 2014
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
AGM Update to the Resolution Proposals AGM Update to the Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte (updated on April 10) Proxy Format GFNorte (updated on April 10)
December 20th, 2013
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
October 14th, 2013
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
July 3rd, 2013
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice EGM First Notice EGM
EGM Resolution Proposals EGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
April 26th, 2013
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
AGM Proposals´ Update AGM Proposals´ Update
First Notice EGM & AGM First Notice EGM & AGM
EGM & AGM Resolution Proposals EGM & AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
January 22nd, 2013
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice EGM & OGM First Notice EGM & OGM
EGM & OGM Resolution Proposals EGM & OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
October 11th, 2012
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice OGM First Notice OGM
OGM Resolution Proposals OGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
April 27th, 2012
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice AGM First Notice AGM
AGM Resolution Proposals AGM Resolution Proposals
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
February 17th, 2012
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
Proposals EGM & OGM Proposals EGM & OGM
First Notice EGM & OGM First Notice EGM & OGM
October 17th, 2011
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice EGM & OGM First Notice EGM & OGM
Proposals EGM & OGM Proposals EGM & OGM
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
July 21st, 2011
Primary Document Name File
Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions
First Notice EGM & OGM First Notice EGM & OGM
Proposals EGM & OGM Proposals EGM & OGM
Proxy Format GFNorte Proxy Format GFNorte
April 29th, 2011
Primary Document Name File
Notice Notice
Proposals Proposals
Summary of Agreements Summary of Agreements
March 30th, 2011
Primary Document Name File
Notice Notice
Proposals Proposals
Annex A Annex A
Annex B Annex B
Annex C Annex C
Annex D Annex D
Annex Auditors Report Spanish Version Annex Auditors Report Spanish Version
Summary of Agreements Summary of Agreements
February 18th, 2011
Primary Document Name File
Notice Notice
Proposals Proposals
Proposals Proposals
Summary of Agreements Summary of Agreements
October 4th, 2010
Primary Document Name File
Notice Notice
Proposals Proposals
Summary of Agreements Summary of Agreements
April 23rd, 2010
Primary Document Name File
Notice Notice
Proposals Proposals
Summary of Agreements Summary of Agreements
February 15th, 2010
Primary Document Name File
Notice Notice
Summary of Agreements Summary of Agreements